Saturday, August 10, 2013

Aidan Has His Surgery

     At the start of Summer we decided it was time to return to Aidan's Orthopedist's Dr. Marsh. It was clear that Aidan's hip along with tighten ligaments and heel cord, was causing him to turn in his left leg and walk on his toes. This didn't stop him from being the fastest kid on his team this past season. The years of physical therapy from age 18 months on was great for the mean time. Over the next 2 1/2 years, with all the growing and no PT on his own, his femur twisted. We had the choice to do the Femoral Osteotomy, and ligament and cord lengthening or keep things they way they were in hopes it wouldn't get worse. He chose to go ahead and do the surgery even though it meant 6 weeks to recuperate and possibly 6 months before he could play baseball or go on his dirt bike. I stayed with Aidan all four days with the help of Bob, family and friends. I enjoyed helping to care for him, and keep him from not getting too board. It was a great bonding time for us despite the annoying mom with her son in the next bed. That is a story it itself!
Pre-Surgery - Monday August 5th, 
Knowing Aidan's surgery was approaching we squeezed in a day trip to Quassy with the May's. Everyone had a blast!! Aidan got a little spoiled!!
Surgery Day- Wednesday August 7th, 
Welcome to Yale Children's Hospital
Aidan was well prepared for the surgery thanks to each person who came in to talk and visit him before they gave him the anesthesia and surgery.

Three hours later, Aidan had come out of surgery which went very smoothly without much loss of blood. He felt groggy, but that didn't stop him from showing his humor in no time!

                                One Day after Surgery
After a good night sleep for both of us Aidan was on his road to recovering and finally held down his food.

Two Days After Surgery
A Physical Therapist started working with Aidan and he exceeded her expectations by walking down the hallway using a walker still attached to the epidural and other pain meds.   

He was happy to have Pa Pa, Grandma, Grandpa Bruce, Ryan, Sean and Caitlin visit.  

Three Days after Surgery
With the oral meds helping the pain Aidan had the epidural and other pain meds. removed. A sponge bath and change into his regular clothes made him feel like a boy again!   

Aidan and Sean enjoyed playing on the roof top play area. 
After a rough patch of being uncomfortable, he was given a stronger medication and which put him to sleep and relief. While Aidan was resting we ventured down stairs and for dinner. 

Four Days After Surgery 
We didn't mind the Dr. coming in at 4:45 a.m. to tell the good news that Aidan would be going home today!! 
Aidan missed Buddy so much!!! I think Buddy felt the same!

Monday we visited Dr. Marsh who was geniunly excited how fast he was healing.  He was having a hard time waiting for the  surgery which thanks to another patient who needed to cancel. Dr. Marsh decided to take off his cast 2 weeks sooner!! September 9th, . This might mean he can get back to the things he loves to do sooner!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Week #4 Drawing Journals and Drawing

Tuesday, July 30th, 
    Despite the rain we had a great time inside drawing and painting. We used our Journals that I made for each younger student and the older ones helped complete their own. We practiced drawing different sea creatures by looking at pictures first in books, then decided what basic shapes such as circles, ovals, triangles we saw. Next, I demonstrated pastel and water paint called Wax Resist to be used as with their ideas. 

Week #4 Drawing From Still Life, Real Life Drawing, and Georgia O'Keeffe Flower Painting

   Thursday, August 1st,- Still Life Drawing 

   After viewing some of Vincent Van Gogh's Still Life Paintings, we discussed what kind of objects are found in a Still Life. They learned that an inanimate object are found in a Still Life. These objects are not living such as fruit and flowers. Finally, each student arranged and drew from their own inanimate objects from home along with some of mine.

Friday, August 2nd - Journal Drawing and Georgia O'Keeffe Flower Painting

Just as Georgia O'Keeffe did as a child,  we drew from real life flowers and other living objects found in my yard.

Drawing Flowers using our Journal Drawings and our Imaginations as inspiration: 

Great Job Everyone!!!   I hope you enjoyed class as much as I did!!! Enjoy the rest of your Summer!!  Ms. Michelle