Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mouse Paint Color Wheels

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    After reading the book "Mouse Paint", by Ellen Stoll Walsh, students mixed their own Secondary Colors using Tempera Paint. Students enjoyed mixing the tempera paint from a "biggie cake". This is the type of paint that is used like watercolors. When moistened with water the solid paint form becomes liquid and is easily applied with a paint brush onto the paper. During the first class, students used black pastel to draw a mouse outline in the center of the square paper and six lines dividing up the color wheel into six sections. Next, students applied the paint with long strokes of the paint brush adding only the three Primary Colors into the correct sections of their color wheel outline. Two paint layers each of red, yellow and blue were added.
    During the following class students were taught how to figure out which colors to mix to made a Secondary Color and where to place it in Color Wheel order by remembering a little saying,  "Look to the right, look to the left, mix the two together in the center, just right!"
   Just as in Mouse Paint, the mouse feet (paint brush) mixed the two Primary colors together to create the Secondary colors. Water was painted onto the paper surface as a final stage in the color mixing.
    It was truly magical to see how the two colors changed into a new color before our eyes.        

Mouse Paint Color Wheels