Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pete the Cat and a Sea Turtle (July 10th, 2012)

    Today we pretended to design illustrations for a new book inspired by Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School by Eric Litwin, Illustrations by James Dean.  
Here is the video we watched during snack:

Camryn drew a cat using basic shapes in pencil. Next, she outlined the cat with a thin brush of any color paint and a thick brush to fill it in! 

Alex drew a sea turtle using basic shapes in pencil. Next, she outlined the sea turtle with a thin brush of any color paint and a thick brush to fill it in! 

Caitlin and Addison Painted their pre-drawn cats and used a Big brush to paint it in. 

While our cats dried, it was time to create the details.....
I asked the girls, "What is it about our cats/sea turtle that makes them "Cool" like Pete? " They said; "Sneakers for sure!" 
And a lot of other stuff too! 

The Cats and 1 Sea Turtle Deput:

Cameyn with Addison's Cat (How did that happen?)

Addison with Addison's Cat (That's better!)
Alex with her "Sea Turtle"
Caitlin and her Silly Cat

The girls all did a terrific job!! :) Ms. Michelle

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